
Is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Worth It?

Our nose is one of our most prominent features. It is one of the first things people notice when looking at our faces. It helps enhance our facial appearance, and can even help contribute to the overall look of a person. The nose is a huge factor in how a person determines their first impression of a person’s facial appearance. Although, not everyone was born with a perfectly shaped nose. We all have noses of different shapes and sizes. Others have smaller or larger noses, while others have bulbous or pointed noses. This may be a result of hereditary issues or accidents.

We all have our tastes and preferences when it comes to different things. This includes the shapes and sizes of our noses. The nose you dream of having may be the nose others badly want to change. Many individuals may feel insecure with the noses they have. As a result, making them feel self-conscious to go out or even have photos of themselves taken. This could affect the quality of life a person is living. The shame or embarrassment they feel can hinder them from several opportunities. Back then, rhinoplasty surgery was the main solution for people to overcome this issue. But nowadays, you can get non-surgical rhinoplasty, a cheaper and more convenient alternative solution that is just as efficient.

What Is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

It is the best alternative to rhinoplasty surgery that offers a non-invasive approach. Allowing you to avoid having to get incisions at the columella, the underside of your nose. Instead, rhinoplasty surgeons inject a derma filler to reshape your nose. This cosmetic procedure is a more convenient alternative if you don’t want to have to go undergo surgical procedures. It would only take around 15 minutes or less of your day. It is also cheaper than the traditional rhinoplasty procedure.

The efficacy of non-surgical rhinoplasty can last you up to several months or years, depending on the type of filler used. For optimal results, make sure to choose experienced or top rhinoplasty surgeons like Dr. Robert Kotler. He is a highly qualified rhinoplasty surgeon that has been constantly delivering successful results for over 30 years now. Dr. Kotler and his team prioritize quality customer service to ensure all customers feel safe and comfortable every step of the way. If you’re looking for rhinoplasty Beverly Hills you can check out their website at for more information on their services.